Money — Blog — Meadow DeVor



3 Traps Covert Narcissists Use to Keep You Poor

We talk about the 3 traps that covert narcissists use to manipulate you through money, to make you feel guilty for your success, and to keep you enmeshed in a relationship where they can depend on you. We get into the subtle yet profound ways covert narcissists manipulate relationships to keep you financially dependent and emotionally tethered and how to break free from these toxic cycles.

3 Reasons You Don’t Make the Money You Deserve

Discover why you're not earning what you deserve: Learn to spot hidden signs of undervaluing yourself, understand the impact of past experiences on financial worth, and explore effective strategies to confidently ask for and receive the compensation you truly deserve.

Earn What You Deserve: Build Self-Worth

What is the relationship between self-worth and getting paid? Whether you want a raise, need to ask for payment, or simply feel uncomfortable putting your work out in the world, here are three things you can do to strengthen your self-worth and get the compensation you deserve.

The Secret to Building Unstoppable Confidence at Work

Do you struggle with confidence at work? Do you sometimes feel like you're not keeping up? Do you ever feel ashamed or judged? When it comes to your job, self-worth is critical. In the "before" example, I share about my insecurities at work and the ever-pervasive imposter syndrome that always held me back. In my "after" example, I walk you through my mindset now and give you four simple steps to help you build self-worth at work.

Five Lies That Keep You Stuck

Five Lies That Keep You Stuck

It’s difficult to know when you’re lying to yourself. Here are five common lies that keep you stuck and questions to help set you free.

How to Stop Living in Survival Mode

“Survival mode” happens when you have a dysfunctional relationship to the self-preservation instinct. Rather than truly providing food, shelter, safety—you catastrophize and generalize about possible futures. In this state, you’re a hamster on a wheel, always hustling to outrun the bad-guy, never gaining ground.

What Are You Worth? A Deceptively Difficult Question

Valuing yourself is a brutally courageous act. It's raw and vulnerable and sometimes it takes the strength of eighteen hundred elephants to speak it out loud.

10 Mantras To Help Heal Your Relationship with Money

Money is often considered a dirty word. It's a taboo subject often rife with struggle, secrecy and scandal. Most of us want to have happier and healthier lives. We want to find more joy and freedom and experience less tension and anxiety.  For many of us, our relationship with money is one of the most shameful, stressful and worrisome aspects of our lives.

Why Money Matters

I know what it feels like to be broke. Worried. Scared. To feel out of control. And to feel like a fraud.

I know what it feels like to find out that the check didn't clear. Or that the $5 in my pocket needs to stretch all the way until next Tuesday. To cross my fingers, wishing that a client will come out of nowhere. Or to feel completely crushed when I didn't get the job.

I know what it feels like to be disappointed in myself. To feel burning shame. And to wish I could pretend hard enough to make the fear go away.

I know what it feels like to feel unworthy. Stupid. Confused. To think that  money would fix my problems. Or make my stress go away.

And I was wrong. Money wasn't the problem.

I was.