The Surprising Secret to Boost Your Confidence Before a Big Date

What do you do when you're heading out on a date and you're just not feeling yourself? What do you do when you're having a bad hair day, bad thigh day, or just 'meh' when you look in the mirror? I walk you through a quick and fool-proof way to move from feeling worthless to feeling worthy. Listen in as I do the work in real time as I get ready for a date with my husband.


The Worthless Cycle

It starts with a worthless story. So the worthless story is a story that over emphasizes the ideal image, like what you think you're supposed to be, look like, feel like, behave like, whatever.

It's, it's, it's who you are not actually in real life. It's really the ideal. The better version of you, the prettier version of you, the younger version of you, whatever that looks like. So worthless story leads to worthless behavior. This is the cycle. Worthless behavior leads to results that reinforce the worthless story, the re, the worthless results.

Make more worthless stories. So you just go round and round and round from a worthless story to worthless behavior to results that reinforce that to another story. So by focusing on small and unexpected corners of your life, you can actually flip the switch. So maybe today. Is not the day that I'm gonna look in a full length mirror and go, wow, you're amazing.

Move to The Worthy Cycle

Maybe that's not today, but I can focus on something to move into the worthy cycle. And actually the best way to move yourself into the worthy cycle is to take a deliberate action that reinforces the idea that you. Who you actually are, not your ideal image, are worth your time, attention, and energy. Okay?

So here I am right now. I'm gonna do this work right in front of you. So the Worthy Cycle works just like the worthless cycle, but it goes in the opposite direction. Rather than spiraling downward toward worthlessness, the worthy cycle is a circle composed of three points. The story, again, the behavior and the resulting reinforcement of the story, but it builds self-worth.

Focus On What’s True

At the core of the worthy cycle is valuing true self over ideal image. It starts with a worthy. Any story that demonstrates that your true self is worth your own time, energy, and effort, you can find a worthy story by asking your true self. What do you love? What do you desire, and how would you be represented here?

So right now, what do I love? I love my husband and I love my daughter. What do I desire? I desire to have a really fun afternoon in town with my husband. How would you be represented here? Meaning like how would my true self be represented here? Well, my true self doesn't really care about. How perfect things look, doesn't really care about five pounds, doesn't really care about whether or not my hair looks right or whether or not I have clothes that I'm tired of, right?

My true self just wants to have a good time and really get out of my own way. I'm already feeling better, honestly. So imagine what you'd say. It says, this is what I say, page 32. Now, if you're not clear on which category a story falls in, if it's a worthless or a worthy story, a quick way to check is to think of the true self, like an innocent child, and imagine telling a child the same message.

So if I was an innocent child, I would say something like, Just where like really this came on while getting dressed. Yay. I actually love clothes and I love fashion, but I'm just kind of tired of the weather. I feel like I'm tired of everything I own. It's like that weird season where I'm, I've been in winter clothes forever and it's not quite warm enough to move into the new stuff.

And then, you know, my ideal image wants to be all put together and cute. My ideal image also has an ideal weather pattern that's not happening. So really my ideal image, my ideal image lives in fantasy land. So what has to happen is I have to come back to reality. Right now it's kind of rainy. California is kind of cold and I.

Want to be comfortable. I want to feel good, and I also wanna be comfortable in what I'm wearing. So I need to wear something that's going to be warm enough for the day. What would I say to an innocent child? Hmm. I would say pick something fun. Pick something fun, like don't try to be so. Don't try to create this facade of perfection or this facade of like, you've got it all together.

Like pick something that feels fun and also comfortable and warm. All right, I can get behind that. So it says, the best way to move yourself into the worthy cycle is to take a deliberate action that reinforces the idea that you, not your ideal image, are worth time. A. And energy. So action is the key point here.

And so that's why I was thinking, okay, before I actually take this action, I'm gonna jump on here real quick and give you this little tool because when you're feeling and you have this event in front of you and you wanna feel not. You just have to change some sort of action that reinforces your true self, reinforces that you are worth time, attention, and energy.

So what I'm going to do is I have this button down shirt that I love and for whatever reason, I, I always tell myself like, oh, that's my fancy shirt or something. I don't know why. I think it's a fancy shirt. I. I, I live on a ranch. I don't have real fancy clothes, but you know, it's a button down. It's not a t-shirt.

So that goes into my fancy category. I'm gonna wear that. I'm gonna put that on because I always feel good in that. And then I'm gonna put on my really funky green leather jacket because I just think it's cool. It's really unique, it's very warm, and so that's what I'm gonna do by changing my behavior.

Like right now I'm in a white T-shirt and a very, very oversized cashmere long sweater that goes to my knees, but you know, five people could fit in this sweater with me. I'm going to change my outfit. That's my behavior change to actually honor what I heard myself say to a young. Have fun. Pick something fun.

Take Action to Build Self-Worth

So that's what I'm gonna do. So for you, the tip is if you're having this kind of worthless cycle where you're thinking worthless thoughts, your behavior is reen. Creating results that reinforce, that worthlessness, the, the place to change it is at the behavior. Choose something. That shows reinforces this idea that who you really are, like that innocent, beautiful, infinitely valuable, being at the heart of you is worth caring for, and then make a tiny change.

It doesn't have to be huge, just make some sort of step. And, and take that action and, and it's, it's really interesting because it's not only just in that moment, it's like every time, like tonight, every time I see myself in the mirror, every time I look at that green jacket, every time I feel. Put together or realize like, oh, I made a different choice for myself here.

That reinforces, oh, you're worth your own time and energy. You're worth this. You're worth this. So it's not just a one-off. It actually puts you into an entirely different cycle that starts to build self-worth.