3 Facial Clues That Expose a Narcissist

Have you ever met someone who’s strikingly good-looking, but something about them just gives you chills? Those chills might be your instincts warning you about potential danger. Narcissists are experts at charming us with a winning smile or a successful image, tricking us into overlooking their toxic behaviors. But what exactly should you be looking for?

I’ve spent over 20 years researching self-worth and narcissistic relationships as a coach, author, and survivor myself. I teach simple systems to help you feel empowered in any situation. In this post, I’ll share three key facial clues narcissists can’t hide, explain why your instincts are picking up on them, and – since Meghan Markle is often labeled as a narcissist – we’ll examine whether these red flags appear on her face or if it’s all just a coincidence.

The Condescending Smirk

Have you ever seen someone smile in a way that feels more judgmental than genuine? This is our first clue: the condescending smirk. It’s not a real smile, but a signal of contempt.

The lip corners pull back on just one side, and the eyes remain neutral. This smug expression often indicates self-satisfaction or superiority. Contempt is dangerous – it reveals deep disrespect and disregard for others, making it a huge red flag in relationships.

When you see signs of contempt like sneers, eye rolls, or a head tilt, recognize them for what they are: serious warnings. Narcissists use contempt to devalue others and protect their fragile egos. This behavior reflects their inflated self-importance, insecurity, and lack of empathy.

Let’s take a look at Meghan Markle at the Queen’s funeral. Do you notice a subtle smirk on her face? Could it be a sign of contempt towards those around her? Or is it just the look of someone aware of the camera’s focus, maybe even trying to show a moment of sadness? What do you think – are we seeing narcissistic contempt or just some dramatic acting?

The Intense Stare

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a look so intense it feels like someone’s eyes are burning through you? This is another clue: the intense stare.

This isn’t just a focused gaze – it’s an unblinking, almost predatory glare designed to assert power and control. Narcissists use this stare to intimidate and manipulate, creating an imbalance that makes you feel small, uncomfortable, or even scared. It disrupts your confidence, making you more vulnerable to their control.

In Meghan Markle’s case, there’s been speculation about her intense stare, particularly in moments with her own mother. Is this a subtle way of asserting dominance? Or is she simply projecting authority or focus in front of the cameras? It’s worth considering.

When you feel someone trying to dominate you with an intense stare, try the Stare Back Test. Hold their gaze for a few moments and observe their reaction. If they don’t soften or break eye contact, it could be a sign they’re trying to assert control. While this doesn’t automatically mean they’re a narcissist, it can point to underlying aggression.

The Raised Eyebrows

Have you ever noticed someone lifting their eyebrows after making a statement, as if silently asking for agreement or admiration? This is the third facial clue: raised eyebrows.

Narcissists often raise their eyebrows while nodding to subtly pull others in, reinforcing their inflated self-image. It’s a powerful cue that sets you up to feel awkward or impolite if you don’t respond with agreement, almost making it automatic for you to nod along. But there’s more to the eyebrows than just a simple raised brow.

Research shows that eyebrows can actually be a clue to spotting grandiose narcissists. In a 2018 study, researchers found that people could accurately identify narcissists based on their eyebrows alone. Does this mean narcissists have different eyebrows? Maybe it’s just that they invest extra time in making them stand out to match their inflated self-image.

When you see someone raising their eyebrows, especially in a way that seeks validation, try the Non-Compliance Test. Instead of affirming them right away, respond with a neutral statement like, “That’s interesting.” If they seem unsettled or continue to seek validation, it could be a sign of manipulation.

so to recap…

  • The Condescending Smirk: A subtle, one-sided smile that signals contempt, superiority, and deep disrespect.

  • The Intense Stare: An unblinking, predatory gaze used by narcissists to assert power and control over others.

  • The Raised Eyebrows: A non-verbal cue that narcissists use to seek validation and manipulate others into agreement.

Facial clues are just one piece of the puzzle. To truly spot a narcissist, you need to look beyond their face and into their behaviors, actions, and body language. Recognizing these facial red flags, like the condescending smirk, intense stare, and raised eyebrows, can help you stay ahead and protect yourself from manipulation. Want to dive deeper? Click here to learn—3 Ways Body Language Exposes a Narcissist and how they physically assert dominance and control in any room.