Where Money Problems Start — Meadow DeVor


Where Money Problems Start

Whether we want to earn more, or spend less, or get out of debt, or save more, or worry less. If we want to have a better relationship with money, there’s only one thing we need to do to create lasting change.

Change our mind.

It’s not more complicated than that. We don’t have to understand investments, banking, real estate, business, dividends, stocks, ROI’s, percentages, budgets, spreadsheets, or exchange rates. We only need to understand the way our mind works.

And, by the way… that’s a big ‘only.’

Money is a neutral thing. It can be proven to exist or not exist. It’s a fact.  It’s a number. It can be a number on paper. It can be a number on your computer screen. It can be a number on a receipt.  It can be a number on a dollar bill in your wallet.

This money, this number, doesn’t hold any power on its own. It has no emotional charge. It can’t create pain and it can’t create pleasure. It’s just a number. The only power it has is the power we give it. And we give it power through our stories.

And, boy-oh-boy, can we tell a good story about these numbers. We tell stories about not having enough of these numbers. We tell stories about how these numbers never stay with us. We tell stories saying how hard we work for these numbers. How difficult these numbers are. How painful these numbers are. We tell stories that we aren’t given enough of these numbers. That other people are given more of these numbers. If we only had more of these numbers we would feel better. Happier. Smarter. Safer. Hell, even sexier.

These stories roll around in our head day and night and they hold a lot of power over our bodies, our actions and our lives.  When we believe a stressful story, our brain tells our body to feel stress. This has nothing to do with the validity of the story. Whether our story is fiction or truth. Our bodies are servants to our minds.  Our bodies respond with emotion. Stress, anxiety, overwhelm, worry, anger, hopelessness, fear, despair or joy, excitement, optimism, hope. Our bodies respond to the stories that we tell ourselves.

While we are feeling these emotions we live our lives.

These feelings determine the way we act, and they color the way we do what we do. With these feelings, we are constantly doing things.

Buying things.
Selling things.
Building things.
Destroying things.
Avoiding things.
Pretending things.
Drinking things.
Eating things.
Watching things.
Ignoring things.

And, these ‘doings’ add up to significant results. These actions can create results of success or failure, of wealth or poverty, of savings or debt, of connection or disconnection. These actions can make us richer. They can also make us poorer.

If you look around your life and do not like the results you see. If you’d like to have more money, or less debt, or a better job, or a higher salary, or more money in savings:

You have to change your thinking.

That’s where I come in. I help with that big “only” of changing your mind. Changing your mind takes practice. Most of us were never taught how to think. We weren’t taught that our thinking leads to every result in our life. We weren’t taught what to do with a negative thought or a negative feeling. We weren’t taught to change our mind when we can’t change our circumstances. We weren’t taught that we have the choice to feel better – no matter what is happening around us.

These are skills to learn, understand, and practice. 

You can learn how to change your mind. You can change those old programs that you’ve been running in the back ground of your financial life; and you can permanently change the way you think about money.

I've seen hundreds of my clients change their thinking, and I've seen the life changing results from their work. I've done this work, and continue to do this work, and have lived the results myself.

They've done it. I've done it. And I know you can too.

Join us.