How to Build Self Esteem — Meadow DeVor


The Worthy Project

The ultimate guide to help you boost your self-worth and feel truly confident.

The Worthy Project: 6 Steps to Unshakable Self-Worth

The ultimate guide to help you boost your self-worth and feel truly confident.

Imagine feeling empowered, walking through life knowing that you are worthy of love, respect, and kindness. A life where you feel confident, purposeful, engaged and strong. A life where you’re no longer crushed by insecurities.

Imagine walking into any meeting, any date, any family gathering, with your head held high, knowing that you belong, feeling confident about your value.

This system isn't just about improving your self-esteem. It's really a fail-proof strategy to lift yourself out of the endless cycle of feeling not-good-enough so you can finally live the life you deserve.

Through a six-week practice of small, deliberate changes in behavior, you will begin to clarify what strengthens or weakens your sense of self-worth—and how to reinforce your worthiness through daily actions and routines.

Whether you’re dealing with low self-esteem affecting your work, social life, and personal relationships, you’re feeling stuck and unable to change, or you’re constantly battling self-criticism… you can create a positive self-image and emotional stability that lasts. This system can save you from years of debilitating shame and negative self-talk.

Imagine living the full expression of life. Imagine living with an unwavering understanding of your own immeasurable value. Imagine finally knowing how to own your worth.

This is possible, when you learn a few key skills. Thousands of students have made this transformation. You can too.

Just imagine a life filled with more…


Value yourself like never before, recognizing your worth and walking through life with your head held high.


Learn to acknowledge and celebrate every aspect of your life, from your personal relationships to your career, by building a solid foundation of self-esteem.


Say goodbye to the inner critic. Feel calm and confident, knowing you truly understand and appreciate your worth.


Build Unshakable Confidence

The ultimate blueprint to understand your value and redefine your life.

you will…

  • Learn 6 simple action-based steps to boost your self-worth and feel truly confident.

  • Understand the #1 reason why most people struggle with low self-esteem and how to change your mindset permanently.

  • Finally silence your inner critic and start believing in yourself like never before.

  • Get easy (and surprising) behavior hacks that create quick results.

  • Join thousands of students have transformed their self-worth with this proven program.

  • Rest easy with a 30-day money-back guarantee, giving you peace of mind and ensuring your satisfaction with the program.

But don't just take my word for it. Just look at the proof:

testimonial-the worthy project

This is deep, life-changing work. In 6 weeks, I have more confidence and feel so much better!

Sheri M., Chicago, IL. Completed in 6 weeks.

the worthy project course meadow devor

I can't believe how different I feel. My self-worth has radically improved. This course totally changed my life.

Jenn W., White Rock, BC. Completed in 4 days.

build self worth with meadow devor

This course cracked me wide open. Get ready to change your life. Don't put it off! You deserve to feel worthy.

Carla S., Sarasota, FL. Completed in 14 days.


Ready to make a big change?

Here's what's in store for you:

  • Finally understand how to build self-worth. Hint: it’s not a mind-set, it’s an action based habit.

  • Learn to rewrite your internal stories to help you take control of self-doubt and insecurity.

  • Spot the sneaky ways that you devalue yourself, so you can permanently increase your worth.

  • Discover how to finally muster the courage to ask for what you deserve, both at work and at home.

  • Learn to set clear boundaries with anyone—from your ex to your boss to your mother-in-law—so you can truly take control of your life.

  • Fun and unexpected action-based assignments that give you real life results right away.



30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

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Wondering what’s actually inside in the course?

In each module you'll get video trainings packed with essential tools and techniques, making sure you really grasp and live each lesson.


Step One

the worthy project self guided course with meadow devor

How to Build Self-Worth

Module learn how “worth” is defined and it how to use that definition to build self worth. You’ll learn the difference between your True Self and your Ideal Image and how each of these concepts can be used to build or deteriorate your self-worth. You’ll learn how self-worth is strengthened in the The Worthy Cycle, and how self-worth is diminished when you fall into The Worthless Cycle.

Step Two

How Internal Stories Affect Self-Esteem

You’ll learn how the voice in your head affects your behavior and influences your self-worth. You’ll learn to differentiate between worthless and worthy stories. You’ll uncover the stories that are hindering your self-worth and learn how to rewrite your stories to keep you in the Worthy Cycle. You’ll learn which inner voice strengthens your self-worth.

Step Three

how to build self worth meadow devor

How to Stop Over-Giving and Increase Your Value

In this module, we tackle the question, “What can you afford to spend?” This question is complicated enough as it pertains to money, but when we start applying it to relationships, health, parenting, and work—it becomes a fascinating and mind-bending discussion. You’ll learn how to give and spend in ways that build self-worth. Start to articulate what you want and learn why your needs and desires truly matter.

Step Four

the worthy mind author meadow devor

How to Stop Under-Earning and Gain Self-Worth

In this module, we’ll take a deep-dive into the question, “What do you require in return?” And, oh boy, this question takes us down the rabbit hole of under-earning and under-receiving, boundary issues, codependency, and how to determine fair compensation. It’s a doozy of a module (in a good way) and it’ll upend everything you thought about how self-worth actually works.

Step Five

the worthy mind author meadow devor

How to Limit Distractions and Start Feeling Better

This module is tricky because we’ll deliberately set out to uncover what’s hidden from your consciousness. You’ll learn how distraction is playing out in your life and why these habits wreak havoc on your sense of self-worth. You’ll learn the Four Core Emotions and how they influence your behavior. You’ll learn why you must stop distracting and start to pay attention to your feelings. By bringing bad habits to light, you can finally be intentional and deliberate about changing.

Step Six

How to Raise the Bar and Own What You’re Worth

We will end the course by putting all the tools to work, so you can move beyond any self-imposed limits and start allowing yourself to own your worth. You’ll learn about contrived debt and how it deteriorates your sense of self-worth. And you’ll see that through offering yourself the generosity of radical acceptance, you will finally feel, act, and live with an abiding sense of worthiness.

Ready to live the life you deserve?

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